Photography Tutorials - photography

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Places to See and Photograph in Tokyo - Photography Tutorial

Heading to Tokyo? Here are five great places to shoot from the hectic fish markets to sleek buildings in Omotesando. You’ll get specific photography tips for shooting these locations including what equipment to use, best visiting times, and what to expect.

submitted: 5 years and 3015 days ago

Introduction to Waterfall Photography - Photography Tutorial

Guide on photographing waterfalls that includes the equipment you'll need for photographing waterfalls, compares how shutter speed can affect your photograph, what the best weather conditions are for waterfall photography and more.

submitted: 5 years and 2647 days ago

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How to Photograph Fireworks - Photography Tutorial

Have you ever wondered how to photograph fireworks? Do you need to have a manual SLR (Single Reflective Lens) to achieve nice shots? Here are some tips, guides, and recommendations on how you can achieve some eye-catching creative photography.

submitted: 5 years and 2640 days ago

Light painting, drawing with light using a long exposure photo - Photography Tutorial

Light painting is not difficult to learn, doesn't require much experience and is a lot of fun! The idea behind this technique is really simple: while shooting a long exposure photo, move a source of light around, this gets recorded onto the sensor of the camera as an abstract drawing or 'light painting'.

submitted: 5 years and 2628 days ago