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donatella is a gal from genoa/italy. Her Pxl age is 5 years and 3698 days. She was last seen 5 years and 11 days ago.

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» Reputation points:306 Rank: 49
» Activity points:255 048 Rank: 30
» Votepower:194.6 Rank: 76
» Votemedals:753
» Entries:973
» Forum posts:110

Contest stats

» PS avg: 55.32% - top
» Photo avg: 59.76% - top
» Top 7 Percentage: 12.539 %
» First places: 10
» Second places: 14
» Third places: 3
» Suggestions:36 (18 used)

Voting stats

» Votes placed:17 423
» Vote medals:753
» Top voter:0 time(s)

Comment stats

» Comments placed: 2 114
» Comments receiv.: 1 790
» Comment score: 2 843
» Top commenter:1 time(s)

Tutorials stats

» Exclusive Tutorials: 0
» External Tutorials: 0
» Video Tutorials: 0

Latest entries

  • from blue Picture
  • fantasy Picture

44 profile comments: ( page 1 of 3)

no avatar

Thanks for the Fav.

(5 years and 2180 days ago)
avatar Wayne Cheah

Thanks for the Fav. He's Italian BTW

(5 years and 2183 days ago)
avatar Chrys Rizzo

I received a private message from a colleague this site, very strange by the way, telling me to take care with the comments that I do - especially with the praise - and I clearly know this will always take my photos for the last place, I do not care and I'm not here to win or lose but learn and make friends. I think we are free to make good comments that make people get excited and do not give up or lose interest in photography or for participation here. Sure, help improve, but there are ways and ways to talk things out. No need to put this post in the photo as competitor, thus influencing the other vote. I know many are here only for the competition and are really playing with people, playing without any scruples and their only purpose is to make that the photos will be deleted or receive bad grades. In this way, many good photos are at the end and the other start. Ok, some deserve first places.. I'm not generalizating. Look, I'm not talking about my work - my photos, and I do not care if after this post I will be deleted from the site. I just believe that certain standards have to be reviewed here. A good week for everyone. And if I will be deleted ... I stay with good friends that I met here.

(5 years and 2288 days ago)
avatar Wayne Cheah

Thanks for the Fav. Much appreciated.

(5 years and 2299 days ago)
avatar Nonnykka
Nonnykka says:

Thank you for adding my photo as favourite. I appreciate that

(5 years and 2314 days ago)
avatar Wayne Cheah

Thanks for your Fav. on Young Ladies. Much appreciated.

(5 years and 2319 days ago)
avatar Wayne Cheah

Thanks for your Fav. on the dolls. Much appreciated.

(5 years and 2319 days ago)
avatar Drivenslush

thank you for the fav!

(5 years and 2352 days ago)
avatar patty
patty says:

Thans for fav my photo in Lighthouses contest, much appreciated

(5 years and 2361 days ago)
avatar Chrys Rizzo

Thanks for FAV my photo, nice weekend and hugs full of good energies!!!

(5 years and 2368 days ago)
avatar patty
patty says:

Thanks so much for the fav

(5 years and 2399 days ago)
avatar patty
patty says:

Thanks so much for the fav

(5 years and 2399 days ago)
avatar Toothpick134

Thanks for the fav

(5 years and 2402 days ago)
avatar kushpatel
kushpatel says:

thanks for the fav

(5 years and 2438 days ago)
avatar lvstealth
lvstealth says:

thanks so much for the fav!

(5 years and 2450 days ago)
avatar © epsilon

Thanks for the fav!

(5 years and 2482 days ago)
avatar gornats
gornats says:

thanks for the fav.

(5 years and 2493 days ago)
avatar Remsphoto
Remsphoto says:

Thanks Donarella for your fav on my still life. Your opinion is appreciated.

(5 years and 2506 days ago)
avatar ShiZa
ShiZa says:


(5 years and 2540 days ago)
no avatar

Cape Hatteras Lighthouse is on the East Coast of North Carolina, USA on the Atlantic Ocean. That part of the Atlantic is referred to as the "Graveyard of the Atlantic" because of the cross-currents that flow there. That is why the Cape Hatteras light is so important to that area.

(5 years and 2553 days ago)