avatar Toothpick134


Patrick is a bloke from Newcastle, UK. His Pxl age is 5 years and 3343 days. He was last seen 5 years and 749 days ago.

  • 6
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  • 9


» Reputation points:100 Rank: 107
» Activity points:30 674 Rank: 233
» Votepower:100.0 Rank: 28477
» Votemedals:54
» Entries:61
» Forum posts:43

Contest stats

» PS avg: 57.38% - top
» Photo avg: 57.34% - top
» Drawing average: 60.16% - top
» 3D avg: 58.79% - top
» Top 7 Percentage: 57.377 %
» First places: 2
» Second places: 7
» Third places: 7
» Suggestions:19 (13 used)

Voting stats

» Votes placed:1 667
» Vote medals:54
» Top voter:0 time(s)

Comment stats

» Comments placed: 381
» Comments receiv.: 352
» Comment score: 524
» Top commenter:0 time(s)

Tutorials stats

» Exclusive Tutorials: 0
» External Tutorials: 0
» Video Tutorials: 0

Latest entries

  • Time Has Come Picture
  • Pxleyes Facebook Page Cover Photo Picture

49 profile comments: ( page 1 of 3)

avatar orientallad

congratulations for the first place in africa contest, great piece

(5 years and 2806 days ago)
avatar JoeCacia
JoeCacia says:

Thank you so much for the add! Hope to see more and more of your wonderful work!

(5 years and 2807 days ago)
avatar cabldawg71

your welcome

(5 years and 2874 days ago)
avatar niks1351
niks1351 says:

Hey visit my blog if u get time.....thanks

(5 years and 2908 days ago)
avatar dekwid
dekwid says:

thanks for the fav....

(5 years and 2938 days ago)
avatar tk
tk says:

thanks so much for the fav!

(5 years and 2943 days ago)
avatar nilknarfsoive

Congrats for the 3rd place on Badass... Cheers!

(5 years and 2954 days ago)
avatar r1k3r
r1k3r says:

Thanks for the fav

(5 years and 2967 days ago)
no avatar
ajitnayak says:


(5 years and 2976 days ago)
avatar kushpatel
kushpatel says:

thanks for favoring my entry
thanks a lot

(5 years and 2982 days ago)
avatar dreamboy
dreamboy says:

Thanks you so much Patrick for the fave my entry!

(5 years and 3037 days ago)
avatar langstrum
langstrum says:

Thank you Patrick for the fave on my last drawing, I really appreciate that. I notice that your recent works showed a lots of improvement, they're really well done. Keep up the good work!

(5 years and 3039 days ago)
avatar RichieMB
RichieMB says:

Thanks for the fav. All the best

(5 years and 3044 days ago)
avatar petersheep

Hey! thx for the comment... !!!

(5 years and 3045 days ago)
avatar DanielaOwergoor

Hi Patrick, thank you for the fav in "Forest Elf"!!

(5 years and 3058 days ago)
avatar Warlock
Warlock [banned] says:

Many thanks for the fav is very much appreciated

(5 years and 3058 days ago)
avatar Momof4boyoboys

Thankyou Patrick for the fav. on my drawing!!!

(5 years and 3059 days ago)
avatar Momof4boyoboys

Thankyou Patrick for the fav. on my drawing!!!

(5 years and 3059 days ago)
no avatar
marina08 says:

Thanks for favoring my entry!

(5 years and 3061 days ago)
avatar petersheep

thx for fav!

(5 years and 3062 days ago)