avatar erikuri


Érica K. is a gal from M. Cruzes - São Paulo - Brazil. Her Pxl age is 5 years and 3472 days. She was last seen 5 years and 1193 days ago.

  • 2
  • 22
  • 10
  • 1


» Reputation points:796 Rank: 22
» Activity points:167 396 Rank: 43
» Votepower:100.0 Rank: 28477
» Votemedals:353
» Entries:323
» Forum posts:18

Contest stats

» PS avg: 55.09% - top
» Photo avg: 56.42% - top
» Drawing average: 61.07% - top
» Top 7 Percentage: 23.839 %
» First places: 3
» Second places: 7
» Third places: 14
» Suggestions:5 (1 used)

Voting stats

» Votes placed:9 613
» Vote medals:353
» Top voter:0 time(s)

Comment stats

» Comments placed: 5 139
» Comments receiv.: 2 058
» Comment score: 1 993
» Top commenter:5 time(s)

Tutorials stats

» Exclusive Tutorials: 0
» External Tutorials: 0
» Video Tutorials: 0

Latest entries

  • My consumer dream Picture
  • Birds Picture

30 profile comments: ( page 1 of 2)

avatar Drivenslush

thanks for the support little one

(5 years and 2655 days ago)
avatar tk
tk says:

Thanks for the comment on my photo and drawing entry! It means a lot

(5 years and 2666 days ago)
avatar oana
oana says:

thanks for the congrats!

(5 years and 2666 days ago)
avatar tk
tk says:

Hello thanks a lot for the comment and congrats!

(5 years and 2673 days ago)
avatar oana
oana says:

thanks for the congrats!

(5 years and 2680 days ago)
avatar Remsphoto
Remsphoto says:

Thanks for your fav on my horizon sun.

(5 years and 2690 days ago)
avatar gornats
gornats says:

thanks for the fav. Erica

(5 years and 2691 days ago)
avatar 6tann
6tann says:

thanks For Fav. My Pics.....

(5 years and 2692 days ago)
avatar oana
oana says:

Thank you for the fav!

(5 years and 2694 days ago)
avatar jeaniblog
jeaniblog says:

Thanks for the Fav

(5 years and 2708 days ago)
avatar RIPSAW
RIPSAW says:

(5 years and 2766 days ago)
avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

Happy birthday!!

(5 years and 2826 days ago)
avatar rakib888
rakib888 says:

hey erica..thanks a lot and ..good to see you again

(5 years and 2981 days ago)
avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

Che, todo bien en Brasil?!

(5 years and 3094 days ago)
avatar petersheep


(5 years and 3113 days ago)
avatar migue1ito
migue1ito says:

thanks for the nice comments

(5 years and 3135 days ago)
avatar sophia
sophia says:

thanks for the congrats and congrats to you also

(5 years and 3135 days ago)
avatar cazanah
cazanah says:

Thanks for the fav!

(5 years and 3137 days ago)
avatar shankarsadamate229

Thanks !

(5 years and 3138 days ago)
avatar fatz8016
fatz8016 says:

Thank you very much for your Congrats and the Fav!

(5 years and 3140 days ago)