A Work in Progress: cat in the glow of the light

This guide was made for entry:
cat in the glow of the light
In Contest:
tilted bulb

Original image

step 1 of 1

fill background with brown.
new layer with source image-Filter- BLur = G' blur.

new layer.. cut out light bulb, small amount filter, blur, G'blur.

open homer cat.

paint under painting of flowers, leaves , tree and smiling homer cat. ( use homer as guide for cat shape. )

required pieces:
cut out fur from homers back, cut out eyes from kitten
cut out wide red ribbon shape - left screen of source. cut out lightbulb.

clip source shape to flowers, rotate shape to give shades in flowers

painted leaves= give dodge and burn, add vains.. fitler blur gus blur to vains and lower fill to softed vain look .

duplicate light bulb and group to create flower centers.

clip bark texture to tree and lower fill ,, layer blend soft light. dodge burn

Cat: has underpainting created from homer shape.
now create strips that match the cat. clip fur to ALL of the strips. EVERY second strip clip source ribbon shape.

cut out tooth, position for smile. head shape.. cut out cheeks from cat and warp . cut out chin from cat and warp blend.

face coverage of cat used 3 fur clips merged. then use mask to reveal eyes and teeth dodge and burn for shape of cat.

Creation of cat in the glow of the light: Step 1

Final result

Creation of cat in the glow of the light: Final Result

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