Tutorials from nicolas-hoffmann.net (page 1)

nicolas-hoffmann.net has 3 tutorials published on pxleyes...

1 - Create Animations - P3 - Terragen Tutorial

First of all, if you are a complete beginner with Terragen animations, we advise you to have a look to our first tutorial (p1), it is very simple, and it enable you to understand the basis of Campath and this tutorial. Don't hesitate to look at the second tutorial that we've written, it will explain you other aspects of animations (camera movements).

submitted: 5 years and 3497 days ago

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2 - Create Animations - P2 - Terragen Tutorial

First of all, if you are a complete beginner with Campath (P1), we highly advise you to have a look at the precedent tutorial which we created. It is very simple (it was its goal !), and it enable you to understand the basis of Campath and this tutorial.

submitted: 5 years and 3497 days ago

0 comment(s) | view tutorial | Views: 394

3 - Create Animations - P1 - Terragen Tutorial

The goal of this tutorial is not to find a nice method which will enable you to make a success of your animations every time (impossible you can believe me), but rather to give a general method which is, in our opinion, logical.

submitted: 5 years and 3497 days ago

0 comment(s) | view tutorial | Views: 423