Do you have any pets?
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gatorgirlals3: I have two dogs currently. In the past I have had two cats, three turtles, two guinea pigs, one dog other than the two I presently have, And a younger sister. lol.

What is your favorite colour?
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gatorgirlals3: Favorite color is blue, but I like bright colors too like hot pink, neon green, bright purple, and royal blue, as well as electric blue. I tend to dye my hair crazy colors when I get bored, like Bleach blonde, or blue, pink, or blue pink and purple all at once, red, black...things like that entertain me. I have also shaved my head because my hair got on my nerves.

Love or Lust?
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gatorgirlals3: Love

Vanilla or chocolate?
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gatorgirlals3: CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!

Morning or evening person?
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gatorgirlals3: Depends on what I'm doing and who I'm with.

Summer or winter?
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gatorgirlals3: Depends on where I am, I like all seasons in different places. For example, I like summer in the northern states because it isn't as hot as Florida, where I live. I like winter in all states because, as a Florida girl, I didn't get to play in the snow growing up and it's beautiful! I also like autumn in all states because I love watching the leaves change colors. Spring tends to aggrevate my allergies, so it isn't my absolute favorite, but I still really like it because I enjoy flowers.

Van Gogh or Picasso?
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gatorgirlals3: Tough decision...both.

Black or white?
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gatorgirlals3: Both together.

Coffee or tea?
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gatorgirlals3: COFFEE!!!