avatar elinoree


Elinore Eaton is a 45 year old lady. Her Pxl age is 5 years and 3702 days. She was last seen 5 years and 2342 days ago.

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» Reputation points:15 Rank: 375
» Activity points:7 388 Rank: 653
» Votepower:100.0 Rank: 28477
» Votemedals:1
» Entries:9

Contest stats

» PS avg: 55.38% - top
» Drawing average: 60.62% - top
» Top 7 Percentage: 77.778 %
» First places: 1
» Second places: 1
» Third places: 2
» Suggestions:0 (0 used)

Voting stats

» Votes placed:488
» Vote medals:1
» Top voter:0 time(s)

Comment stats

» Comments placed: 87
» Comments receiv.: 88
» Comment score: 11
» Top commenter:0 time(s)

Tutorials stats

» Exclusive Tutorials: 0
» External Tutorials: 0
» Video Tutorials: 0

Latest entries

  • From Memory Picture
  • Lavinia Picture

3 profile comments: ( page 1 of 1)

no avatar
irti92 says:

hello...frnd i am new to this platform can you tell me that how to make level increase and what it is really??

(5 years and 3341 days ago)
no avatar

thanks for the nice comment, elinoree... all the best for this week...

(5 years and 3367 days ago)
avatar itsdesign
itsdesign says:

thanks for the nice comment on ma entry

(5 years and 3371 days ago)