avatar Stowsk


Stowsk is a registered pxl member. His Pxl age is 5 years and 3685 days. He was last seen 5 years and 691 days ago.

  • 1
  • 23
  • 10
  • 1


» Reputation points:44 Rank: 205
» Activity points:101 924 Rank: 83
» Votepower:122.0 Rank: 173
» Votemedals:501
» Entries:67

Contest stats

» PS avg: 62.1% - top
» Photo avg: 61.51% - top
» Drawing average: 65.34% - top
» Top 7 Percentage: 79.104 %
» First places: 12
» Second places: 11
» Third places: 7
» Suggestions:0 (0 used)

Voting stats

» Votes placed:8 753
» Vote medals:501
» Top voter:0 time(s)

Comment stats

» Comments placed: 300
» Comments receiv.: 644
» Comment score: 366
» Top commenter:1 time(s)

Tutorials stats

» Exclusive Tutorials: 0
» External Tutorials: 0
» Video Tutorials: 0

Latest entries

  • Bolbos Florem Picture
  • Mushroom Log Snail Picture

31 profile comments: ( page 1 of 2)

avatar cabldawg71

Nice to see you back around.

(5 years and 2672 days ago)
avatar langstrum
langstrum says:

Thank you for your comment on my last drawing, I'm sorry to be late, I was so busy with my works . Btw, I visited your website and really like how you managed it.

(5 years and 3039 days ago)
avatar petersheep

Thx for comment

(5 years and 3040 days ago)
avatar petersheep

thx for congratz and coments!

(5 years and 3079 days ago)
no avatar

Thank you very much for the nice comment on my 'bird in hand ' entry....

(5 years and 3102 days ago)
avatar sparklen
sparklen says:

Congrats on your 3rd place in miniature chairs!

(5 years and 3524 days ago)
avatar sparklen
sparklen says:

AHHH, the Picaso-esk entry............VERY nicely done. You deserved the win! CONGRATS!

(5 years and 3532 days ago)
avatar erathion
erathion says:

Congrats for the 3 place...your work was my favorite....best wishes

(5 years and 3535 days ago)
avatar CorneliaMladenova

Thank you very much for the nice comment!

(5 years and 3535 days ago)
avatar Glockman
Glockman says:

Thanks for comment, took the time to check out your web site, great stuff there. P.S. just for your info , we are almost neighbors. lol within 90 miles of you.

(5 years and 3538 days ago)
no avatar

Thanks for the nice comments on my work. I love your entries. GREAT WORK>

(5 years and 3538 days ago)
avatar DML
DML says:

Hi, I just saw your website, fantastics retouching works and illustrations. Good work. Congrats for your works.

(5 years and 3539 days ago)
avatar DML
DML says:

Hi, I just saw your website, fantastics retouching works and illustrations. Good work. Congrats for your works.

(5 years and 3539 days ago)
avatar divair
divair says:

Hi Stowsk! Congrats on 2nd place

(5 years and 3542 days ago)
avatar sparklen
sparklen says:

WHOOPS.......... I mean the SNOWFLAKE contest! Sorry for the mistake!

(5 years and 3547 days ago)
avatar sparklen
sparklen says:

Great entry in the Glazed Meat contest!

(5 years and 3547 days ago)
avatar sparklen
sparklen says:

Congrats for youe fan penguin win!

(5 years and 3561 days ago)
avatar sparklen
sparklen says:

Congrats on your win for Folkart!

(5 years and 3576 days ago)
avatar pixelkid
pixelkid says:

Thanks for the congrats! Congrats to you as well, dude.

(5 years and 3596 days ago)
avatar nehayash
nehayash says:

congrats on ur win.superb job

(5 years and 3596 days ago)