What are your hobbies?
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JamesD: Art, Gaming, Working out and Golf

Who is your favorite actor?
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JamesD: Can always watch Bernie Mac

What is your favorite movie?
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JamesD: The Breakfast Club, and Ferris Bueller's Day Off - absolute classics!
Labrynth, The Dark Crystal and The Never Ending Story even more classics

But my favorite movie at the moment is The Hobbit

What is your favorite cartoon?
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JamesD: Naruto - Fairy Tail - and One Piece TIED!

Who is your favorite singer/band?
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JamesD: Queen if i had to pick!! i not fan or band lover, if the song is good then it's good, you usually buy an album and get stuck with 8 or so rubbish songs....

What is your favorite song?
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JamesD: Depends on my mood

What is your favorite television show/soap/sitcom?
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JamesD: I rarely watch TV - I mainly watch Anime and Movies. But if I had to pick a show then it would probably be......... a toss up between Game of Thrones / The Walking Dead and Dexter - oh and GLEE.

The most beautiful man in the world according to you?
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JamesD: That annoying dude that copies everything I do when I look in the mirror..... he just wont leave me alone!!

Do you have any pets?
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JamesD: Not at the moment unfortunately.

Do you watch sports and which ones?
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JamesD: Absolutely NOT

What is your favorite holiday destination?
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JamesD: I haven't got a favorite, but I WILL go to Japan one day!

What is your favorite food?
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JamesD: MEAT and lots of it!

What is your favorite colour?
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JamesD: I would say Orange!

Love or Lust?
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JamesD: Depends who's receiving... lol

Vanilla or chocolate?
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JamesD: Vanilla if we are talking food, honestly though I don't know what you're asking otherwise.

Morning or evening person?
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JamesD: Evening

Summer or winter?
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JamesD: Summer

Van Gogh or Picasso?
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JamesD: Hmmm.... neither!

Black or white?
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JamesD: Black

Coffee or tea?
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JamesD: Tea

What is your favorite type of photoshop contest?
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JamesD: Well that depends on the theme.... it has to inspire that creativity; I usually take the image contests over the theme ones.

What is your favorite photoshop tool?
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JamesD: The Pen tool, or be it the one I find the most useful when working on an entry

What is your favorite photoshop filter?
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JamesD: I'm not sure I have a favourite!?!

What do you love most on PXLEyes?
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JamesD: The Community spirit, I've always found it here, more so than on any other so called community.

What do you hate most on PXLEyes?
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JamesD: Coming lower than expected!

Did you make any new friends on PXLEyes?
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JamesD: I've made a few....... only a few though

How much time do you spend on PXLEyes?
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JamesD: Well I'm back after a long absence, hopefully I'll be on everyday; giving advice and helping the noobs

What graphical programs do you use?
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JamesD: Photoshop Mostly

What kind of contest entries get the highest scores from you?
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JamesD: On theme entries that are well blended, mixed with a good step by step - it doesn't have to be detailed; but needs to be informative - topped with creativity. I'll probably reduce a vote by a 5-10% margin based on the complexity of the piece.

Who is your idol at PXLEyes?
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JamesD: There are a few members on here, who's advice and critique I value! - They are usually the ones that are always commenting....

When did you start with computer graphics?
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JamesD: I can't remember; I guess I started using Photoshop properly when I joined here back when it was PST; I had used Photoshop briefly before but it was only by participating; getting advice and pushing the limits of my boundaries that I started to fully appreciate the software.