A Work in Progress: Let your mind wander

This guide was made for entry:
Let your mind wander
In Contest:
idioms Ps

step 1 of 6

Cut out brain and legs, resize and blend them together.

Creation of Let your mind wander: Step 1
( hi-res )

step 2 of 6

Cut out face and arm, blend with brain. Adjust colors.

Creation of Let your mind wander: Step 2
( hi-res )

step 3 of 6

Paint some clouds onto background using cloud brushes and the sandy colors from the ground.

Creation of Let your mind wander: Step 3
( hi-res )

step 4 of 6

Make a pencil drawing effect from the brain to use on background.
For those who would like to know how to do that, the following tutorial will show you....

Creation of Let your mind wander: Step 4
( hi-res )

step 5 of 6

Brain "drawing" from last step blended into clouds using 15% multiply mode to put a subtle brain pattern in the clouds.

Creation of Let your mind wander: Step 5
( hi-res )

step 6 of 6

Add brain model to background. Adjust color tones to match desert scene. Place globe in hand, add shadows and light effects, add a vignette.

Hope the wandering mind keeps emitting enough energy to shine a light in the right direction. ;-)

Creation of Let your mind wander: Step 6
( hi-res )

Final result

Creation of Let your mind wander: Final Result

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