A Work in Progress: Now THAT'S a video game!

This guide was made for entry:
Now THAT'S a video game!
In Contest:
droste effect 3

step 1 of 3

Take photograph, such as the one I took here.

Creation of Now THAT'S a video game!: Step 1
( hi-res )

step 2 of 3

Copy portion to be used in monitor and paste it to monitor. Adjust edges to fit desired area, using the deform tool if necessary.

Creation of Now THAT'S a video game!: Step 2
( hi-res )

step 3 of 3

Copy that layer and repeat all steps until finished. Save, save, save!

The high res version of this went down a full 11 levels before pixilation was too great to continue.

Creation of Now THAT'S a video game!: Step 3
( hi-res )

Final result

Creation of Now THAT'S a video game!: Final Result

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