A Work in Progress: Matchbox Cars

This guide was made for entry:
Matchbox Cars
In Contest:
card board

step 1 of 5

The matchbox is is 3 box geometries with certain polygons removed. To the boxes that were left I added a shell modifier for depth. These were textured with UVW map textures I made in Photoshop. Wheels are chamfered cylinders mods to polygons and geospheres, textured with VRAY material editor.

Creation of Matchbox Cars: Step 1

step 2 of 5

The match stick is a spline with iteration size on it. The head is a sphere transformed with a FFF 3X3 modifier. Texture maps made in Photoshop.

Creation of Matchbox Cars: Step 2

step 3 of 5

Scene is lit with one VRAY light and 1 free spot light. A Vray camera was used.

Creation of Matchbox Cars: Step 3

step 4 of 5

The UVW map material for the match is colors with add noise filter for the Match Head and the Match Stick texture is render fiber filter.

Creation of Matchbox Cars: Step 4

step 5 of 5

Textures for my Match Box. Text, colors, pen tooled shapes, and FX like pattern fill.

Creation of Matchbox Cars: Step 5

Final result

Creation of Matchbox Cars: Final Result

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