A Work in Progress: Lost Camel

This guide was made for entry:
Lost Camel
In Contest:
wrong place 2

step 1 of 4

Crop the backround image.
Select the main characters (penguins, camel) and remove them from their "bg" carefully. Put them into the snowy cropped image. Use the match colour to fit them with the background

Creation of Lost Camel: Step 1

step 2 of 4

Create new layer.
With a white brush, I created some snow covering penguin's and camel's feet.
Create a new layer and apply: "Apply image..." (Image=> Apply Image)
Duplicate this layer. Apply Black and White and create a mask on it. Erase the areas which they aren't covered by snow.

Creation of Lost Camel: Step 2

step 3 of 4

Create new layer, apply clouds (Filter=>render=>clouds) and then difference clouds twice (Filter=>render=>difference clouds)
Change blending mode to screen. Change the opacity to 20%

Creation of Lost Camel: Step 3

step 4 of 4

Finally, create new fill or adjustment layers

1. Curves
2. Brightness and Contrast
3. Black and White
4. Gradient (Radial)

Creation of Lost Camel: Step 4

Final result

Creation of Lost Camel: Final Result

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