A Work in Progress: serpents garden

This guide was made for entry:
serpents garden
In Contest:
kavia bowl

Original image

step 1 of 1

new layer.
Fill with blue. Add gradient overlay.

create clouds: Filter, Render. clouds.
shape for floor -overlay
duplicate layer shape for background
duplicate shape for roof- top of ocean.

cut out posts and set to overlay.

use tree from source to create sea grass

cut shapes from stock photos. assemble serpent
dodge,burn, warp, liquify( filter)

Egg: create egg shape, fill base colour- burn edges. set layerblend to luminosity
clip layer of kava bowl - layerblend mode pin light.

ribbon: use pen tool create a wiggle line. Use egg as guide for correct shape.

1st layer dark blue brush hard 9 layer mode luminosity

2nd layer mid blue
brush hard 5 layermode. overlay with outer glow blue shade.

3rd layer white
brhs hard 3 white layermode overylay opacity 50%

TO ASSEMBLE create 2 complete eggs. .

create 3 complete layers of ribbon.. flip horizon one complete ribbon. .
place 3 ribbon layers between two egg layers.

position kava bowl

place egg in center of bowl

duplicate kava bowl position duplicated kava bowl above egg and ribbon layer and erase top kava bowl to look as if egg is sitting in bowl .

to create beads

cut out front leg of kava bowl.
shape in circle. duplicate
burn and dodge to look like beads

red stones made from circles cut from red words on bowl.. duplicated each circle twice.

Creation of serpents garden : Step 1

Final result

Creation of serpents garden : Final Result

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