A Work in Progress: once a king always a king...

This guide was made for entry:
once a king always a king...
In Contest:
bearded man

Original image

step 1 of 5

made a selection of the face from the original image and smudged the edges.....

Creation of once a king always a king...: Step 1

step 2 of 5

duplicated the previous image and fliped the copy horizontally and merged the two layers adjusted the color with color balance and then hue saturation.....and again flipped the merged layer vertically....

Creation of once a king always a king...: Step 2

step 3 of 5

created arounded rectangle..added stroke..added noise painted yelllow..adjusted the hue saturation...and then distorted it a little.....

Creation of once a king always a king...: Step 3

step 4 of 5

added some clouds in background form my own photographed images....and changed the background to black..changed the color balance and hue saturation of the clouds....

Creation of once a king always a king...: Step 4

step 5 of 5

added text...added glow to text and here is the final image....

Creation of once a king always a king...: Step 5

Final result

Creation of once a king always a king...: Final Result

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