A Work in Progress: Enchanted...

This guide was made for entry:
In Contest:
water plants

Original image

step 1 of 10

Enlarge source pic and duplicate and flip...

Creation of Enchanted...: Step 1

step 2 of 10

Add a blur to bottom half of image, and a motion blur...then add a ripple and use smudge tool to create more of a water effect... further fix perspective...

Creation of Enchanted...: Step 2

step 3 of 10

Move picture to the left...then crop it, duplicate it and flip it to the right...merge the layers...

Creation of Enchanted...: Step 3

step 4 of 10

This is the result you get... then flip image horizontally...

Creation of Enchanted...: Step 4

step 5 of 10

Now create some depth by adding shadow to bottom of image, set layer to "multiply"

Creation of Enchanted...: Step 5

step 6 of 10

Select part of green floating stuff to create the lady...use reference to create her body parts...merge them....

Creation of Enchanted...: Step 6

step 7 of 10

To create hat, cut part of grass- twirl it- add shadow/highlights... Further add shadow to the lady...

Creation of Enchanted...: Step 7

step 8 of 10

Place the Lady on the piece of grass, create fantasy butterfly using brushes "519" and "337" from the brush pack...merge the two, creating a butterfly...

Creation of Enchanted...: Step 8

step 9 of 10

Now add two adjustment layers...the 1st -brightness/contrast
...the 2nd- colour balance...

Creation of Enchanted...: Step 9

step 10 of 10

Finally, add some outer glow to butterfly and some sparkles... :)

Creation of Enchanted...: Step 10

Final result

Creation of Enchanted...: Final Result

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