LUMI – The First Amazing Animated Short Film by Big Boom

“Lumi” is a short film created by Big Boom. It presents a little adventure of a cute animated character. The cute character (Lumi) has bright and round eyes. He discovers the world around him with every step he takes. Lumi is deeply impressed by the starry sky at night and stares at them with increasing curiosity, until the darkness brings to life GriGro, a strange creature that grows out of control in the absence of light. The film ends in an optimistic and funny note.


It is only a less than 3 minutes film, but many people were involved in its production. Each with different responsibilities: script making, sound design, direction and photography, art direction, character design and storyboard development. The parts that draw the attention of CG lovers are: 3D character modeling and rigging, lighting and textures, rendering, secondary animation and compositing (all completed by Jonathan Rodegher). Character animation was done by Dolores Okecki. This video shows the power of human creativity combined with 3D software!


Howdie stranger!
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