Tutorials from baycongroup.com (page 2)

baycongroup.com has 16 tutorials published on pxleyes...

11 - The Paint Brush Tool - Paintshop-Pro Tutorial

You use the Paint Brush to paint on the canvas. It provides a variety of painting styles and brush tips. The exercises that follow illustrate some of the Paint Brush tool settings. The Airbrush works exactly like the Paint Brush; so we do not provide any Airbrush exercises.

submitted: 5 years and 3577 days ago

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12 - Painting Tools - Paintshop-Pro Tutorial

Paint Shop Pro has several painting tools: the Paint Brush, the Clone Brush, the Color Replacer, the Retouch tool, the Eraser, the Picture Tube, the Airbrush, and the Flood Fill tool. You use these tools to apply, change, or remove colors in your image.

submitted: 5 years and 3577 days ago

13 - Selections - Paintshop-Pro Tutorial

A selection is a specific area of the image that can be edited or to which an effect can be applied. A selection can be the whole image or part of an image.

submitted: 5 years and 3577 days ago

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14 - Color - Paintshop-Pro Tutorial

This lecture is on color: how color is determined and how to select foreground and background colors.

submitted: 5 years and 3577 days ago

15 - The Tool Palette - Paintshop-Pro Tutorial

Take our free online Paint Shop Pro tutorial. It starts at the beginning and takes you step-by-step through each Paint Shop Pro topic. It covers creating an image, using color, using the Tool palette, text, layers, masks, and much more.

submitted: 5 years and 3577 days ago

16 - Creating a New Image - Paintshop-Pro Tutorial

Created for Paint Shop Pro, our free online tutorial starts at the beginning and takes you step-by-step through each Paint Shop Pro topic. Our Paint Shop Pro tutorial covers creating an image, using color, using the Tool palette, text, layers, masks, and much more.

submitted: 5 years and 3577 days ago